Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose a prosthodontist?

Choose a prosthodontist because of their advanced education and training, efficiency, and expertise with advanced technology. Prosthodontists are extensively trained in state-of-the-art techniques and procedures for treating complex dental conditions and restoring optimum function and esthetics.

How is a prosthodontist different from other dental specialists?

The term “prostho” means replacement and “dontist” means dealing with teeth. Essentially, prosthodontists are the recognized experts when anything needs to be replaced in your mouth. This can range from a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all teeth and gums in the mouth.

Prosthodontists are considered the leaders of the dental treatment plan. They regularly lead teams of general dentists, specialists, and other health professionals to develop solutions for your dental needs.

What can I expect at my first appointment?

In order for us to meet our commitment of quality service, we need to have a full understanding of your oral health needs and desires. On your first appointment we will complete a full oral health and radiographic (x-rays) examination. We will dedicate time to listen to your concerns and desires.

Can I refer my family and friends?

Absolutely! We love having new patients. Your recommendation of our practice to your friends and family is the greatest gift and complement to our office.

What should I do if I have an emergency after hours?

Call our office at (214) 369-9000 and leave a message notifying us of your needs. The doctor will contact you as soon as possible. For true emergencies you should call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

Do you offer sedation dentistry?

We understand many patients feel anxious about visiting the dentist. We strive to provide comfortable and compassionate care. We are happy to offer nitrous oxide, a gentle and effective form of sedation that is inhaled through a nasal mask. For severe anxiety, IV sedation, a stronger form of sedation, can be arranged and provided in our office by a dental anesthesiologist.

How often should I have a dental exam and cleaning?

We recommend you visit our office for a dental exam and cleaning every six months. Common dental problems can develop without your knowledge. Frequent examinations allows us to monitor your oral health for changes that might require attention.

Although most patients are seen every six months, your recommended schedule may be more or less frequent depending on your personal health.

What are the most important things I should do to have healthy teeth and gums?

For a healthy smile, we recommend brushing at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing at least once a day, and visit your dentist at least twice a year.

Why do I need to floss every day?

Flossing removes food and plaque (bacteria) from between the teeth, where toothbrushes can’t reach. Flossing in conjunction with brushing is the most effective way for you to prevent decay and gum disease.

My gums bleed when I brush or floss. What does this mean?

Bleeding gums indicate the presence of gum disease or gingivitis which evolves into periodontitis, a more serious form of gum disease. Poor fitting crowns or restorations will also contribute to this condition. A complete periodontal evaluation will determine the health of your gums. This evaluation is part of your initial dental examination and is updated at each hygiene appointment.

How can I have whiter teeth?

We offer two convenient treatments for a brighter smile: in-office whitening and take-home whitening. Please ask us about these treatments. We will help you decide what treatment is best for you.